Variety of items taken in recent thefts | |

2022-09-24 02:10:02 By : Ms. Coco Chen

The Wilkes Sheriff’s Office is investigating several recent thefts.

The theft of $15,000 from the State Employees Credit Union account of Phyllis Billings Myers of Traphill was reported on Sept. 16. A suspect was identified in Deputy Jeremy Cardwell’s incident report, which identified the theft as wire fraud.

Richard Andrew Pierce reported the theft of a dirt bike motorcycle from a tool shed on Pennell Road in Moravian Falls on Sept. 19. The Honda CRF250 dirt bike is valued at $8,000.

Matthew Daniel Ledford of Hunter Road, North Wilkesboro, reported on Sept. 13 that a compound bow, circular saw, oscillating saw kit and two levels worth about $1,100 were stolen from a construction site on Hunter Road, North Wilkesboro.

Ricky Flynn Swain of Austin-Traphill Road in the Austin community reported on Sept. 16 that a battery-powered leaf blower, cordless drill, jigsaw with a cord, drill bits and a cooler worth about $300 were stolen from a utility building attached to his residence.

William Thomas Lawrimore Jr. of N.C. 268 West in Boomer on Sept. 15 reported the theft of his .40-caliber semi-automatic handgun, valued at $200.

Rebecca Johnson on Sept. 13 reported the theft of a floral arrangement worth $40 and a U.S. flag from her father’s grave in Mountlawn Memorial Park on N.C. 18 North.

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